
Gas Hurting Your Tour?

Unleaded gas, not too many frijoles gas, it is the most expensive a Phish tour, or any tour, whether it be a road trip to the Rocky Mountain National Park or Widespread Panic's show in Taos --> Denver -> Wyoming etc. There are ways around the dilemma of gas prices, assuming you aren't yet flat broke.

GasBuddy trip calculator
More than just a gas price calculator, enter your start and finish points and it brings up the gas stations in route with the cheapest gas prices, and can save you a lot of cash. It plans your trips gas stops for you to maximize savings. Everyone should try this.

The Basics Fund Bus
If you haven't already heard about this or used it, see it now, a great deal to many shows including Widespread Panic. About $20 for a party bus ticket, no dui's.

On The Train
Who does that? Awesome people. You can find some great deals, cheaper than driving yourself, if you try. For example to go from String Summit's nearby station Portland to the Phish shows at the Gorge's nearby station Seattle, it would cost you a ticket fare of $30. Might have to rent a car. Worth it? Maybe, trains are fun.

Sell Stuff on Shakedown
Why not? Fund your own trip, quit slacking. Theres already enough grilled cheese, maybe something different.

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